The Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) introduced blue economy programs as a guiding force for the advancement of the maritime and fisheries sector during the recent Bali Ocean Days in Jimbaran, Badung, Bali. The Head of the Maritime and Fisheries Human Resources Development and Extension Agency (BPPSDM) of the KKP, I Nyoman Radiarta, outlined the five priority programs of his ministry’s blue economy. These programs include:

  1. Expansion of marine conservation areas;
  2. Quota-based measured fishing (PIT);
  3. Development of sustainable aquaculture in marine, coastal, and inland fisheries, focusing on five main commodities: shrimp, seaweed, lobster, crab, and tilapia;
  4. Supervision and control of coastal areas and small islands;
  5. Handling plastic waste in the sea through the fishermen’s participation movement, also known as the National Movement for the Love of the Sea.

“The management of Indonesia’s maritime and fisheries resources is implemented through the blue economy policy. It is hoped that through this strategy, protection will be expanded, reducing the negative impacts of human activities, preserving and maintaining the quality of ecosystems and their services, to make Indonesia the world’s maritime axis,” said Nyoman during his presentation titled “Implementation of Blue Economy in achieving Indonesia as The World Maritime Axis.”


I Nyoman Radiarta delivers the blue economy agenda of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) at the Bali Ocean Days event in Bali. © KKP

Nyoman, accompanied by the Head of the Tuna Fisheries Research Station and local fisheries extension officers, emphasized that the KKP recognizes the importance of ecology for sustainable resource utilization. He stated that ecology serves as the commander to keep the sea clean and healthy.

Read more: Revitalizing Indonesia’s maritime strategy: Harnessing Blue Economy for inclusive growth

“A good program without collaboration will not run well. So, even though we have a very good program, an ideal program, without collaboration with all relevant parties, including the government, academia, NGOs, private sector, I think the program will not run well and smoothly. Therefore, at this Bali Ocean Days, let us work together to save our oceans, to make our oceans better and healthier for future generations,” he concluded.

As information, Bali Ocean Days is a promotional event for the inclusive and sustainable development of the Blue Economy in Indonesia and globally. Its goal is to sharpen knowledge and appreciate natural wealth through sustainable practices, address plastic issues, and care for marine life.

The 2024 Bali Ocean Days was officially opened by the Head of the Bali Provincial Maritime and Fisheries Agency, Putu Sumardiana, representing the Acting Governor of Bali. The event took place on January 19-20, 2024, with the theme “Exploring Marine Conservation In Indonesia & Beyond.” It was attended by participants and competent speakers from various backgrounds such as government agencies, NGOs, corporations, academia, scientists, media, communities, artists, and more.

Main image: © Canva/Laude Creator